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MSc student in DTU with 10+ experience in software development, BI/DWH development, business and system analisys, project management. Programming languages and environments: SQL, PL/SQL (Oracle, Teradata, Firebird, MySQL), NoSQL, C#, Informatica Powercenter, IBM Datastage, Qlikview, Microstrategy.

BI ETL DWH SQL programmer  

Updated 07. august 2016
My education
2015 - 2017


Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU

Educational area: Elektro & Telekommunikation
Period: september 2015 - maj 2017
2007 - 2007

Kurser, efteruddannelse og andet

Anden uddannelsesinstitution i udlandet

Educational area: IT
Period: maj 2007 - oktober 2007
2003 - 2007


Anden uddannelsesinstitution i udlandet

Educational area: Elektro & Telekommunikation
Period: januar 2003 - januar 2007
My work experience
2014 - 2015

IT Project Manager

Employer: Speedy JSC ( (1300+ employees)

Main activities & responsibilities
- Supervisor of business analysis activities in the development of a new Company-wide software solutions
- Senior business analyst
- Project Manager of the majority of outsourced IT projects and all In-house developed mobile software solutions
- Change management and Impact analysis of all ongoing changes in the existing software environment
- Solution Architect
- Carrying out the preparation of the current core business software for phaseout
- C# developer and occasional SQL, PL/SQL developer
Work area: IT - Software
Period: august 2014 - august 2015
2012 - 2014

Project manager

Employer: OMG Mobile ( (35-50 employees)

Main activities & responsibilities
- Software development team lead
- Senior business analyst, stakeholders’ single point of contact
- Project Management activities and planning
- Responsible for Knowledge transfer and development environment setup while taking over the ownership of a large scale legacy system
- Solution Architect
- Business Analyst and a Product Owner in an Agile Development Process
- Responsible for all development documentation (User stories, Test cases, Acceptance criteria)
- SQL & DBA Consultant
- QA Management
- Extensive C#, Pascal & Java code reverse engineering work
- Production implementation planning
Work area: IT - Software
Period: oktober 2012 - juli 2014
2011 - 2012

DWH Consultant

Employer: Adastra Bulgaria EOOD (
(800+ employees worldwide at Adastra Group)

As a DWH Consultant in Adastra Bulgaria I worked both offshore and on site in Canada for Rogers Communications ( and Foresters ( on different projects in the BI/DWH development process.
Main activities & responsibilities:
- Lead of Adastra’s offshore development team at Rogers Communications (Canada)
- ETL developer
- Review, performance tuning and redesign of existing data integration solutions
Work area: IT - Software
Period: januar 2011 - oktober 2012
2004 - 2011

System analyst

Employer: Speedy JSC ( (1300+ employees)

Main activities & responsibilities:
- Senior Business & Systems analyst
- Analysis, design and documentation of numerous software solutions developed both in-house or by external contractors
- Introduced DWH and BI solutions in the Company and lately analyzed, documented and developed all KPI based remuneration policies of the Company
- Training, business and user acceptance testing lead in the implementation of a new core business software system. Tests were conducted with 300+ employees.
- Data integration management; analyzed and developed the data layer integration with partner company (DPD,
- SQL, BI developer
- Systems and Solutions Design
- Developed staff and management training programs
- Member of various internal workgroups (internal & financial control, business process modeling and optimization, operational risk and business continuity with natural disasters and IT outages)
Work area: IT - Software
Period: september 2004 - januar 2011
2002 - 2004

Private teacher, Mathematics

Prepared high-school students for exit exams and candidate students for university admission exams in Mathematics
Work area: Undervisning
Period: juni 2002 - september 2004
2002 - 2003

Prepress operator

Employer: RiRIS EOOD
Carried out different activities in the prepress production line: pagination, machine operator.
Work area: Rådgivning & Support
Period: oktober 2002 - juni 2003
My preferences
Job type
Deltidsjob Fuldtidsjob Studiejob Vikariat
Work areas
Data & Analyse IT - Hardware IT - Netværk & Telekomm. IT - Software Organisation & Forening Teknik Transport & Logistik
Contact me!