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A sales and marketing lover, a doer and a learner, and I have a hands-on approach to new challenges that I never shy away from. Organized person, highly adaptive & versatile, with a flair for tech and design, I love building communities, bringing people together and empowering others! My super power is being calm!

innovative Generalist analytical ENFJ marketer entrepreneur  

Updated 10. december 2018
My education
2014 - 2017

BA i International Sales & Marketing

Erhvervsakademiet i Roskilde

Educational area: Marketing & Business
Period: februar 2014 - januar 2017
2010 - 2012

Anden kort videregående udd.

Anden uddannelsesinstitution i udlandet

I am an educated sound engineer and media developer. I am well versed with creating video, audio, and marketing graphics.
Educational area: Sprog, Media & Kommunikation
Period: april 2010 - februar 2012
My work experience
2017 - 2018

Marketing coordinator


Working at Labster was a fantastic journey, starting as an intern in a fast-moving environment. Within six months, I became a marketing coordinator for B2B activities. As part of the early marketing team members, I had an excellent opportunity to be part of building the enterprise marketing, supporting the sales team and managing conferences internationally.

some of my notable work:

-Created a process for generating and sustaining lead generation, amounting to a 3X increase in leads.
-Created a conference management process that made it easier to qualify conferences, better task management, and improved tracking.
-Implement marketing automation using Hubspot, creating flows and campaigns.
-Designed marketing collateral like brochures, banners, and other functional assets.
Work area: Marketing & Reklame
Period: januar 2017 - august 2018
2014 - 2016

Student Assistant

As a student assistant, my main roles revolved around helping with administrative tasks. Nevertheless, i was also responsible for assisting new students and help integrate Erasmus Students.
Work area: Administration
Period: maj 2014 - december 2016
2015 - 2016

Founder at 8leaves IVs

After finishing in the Top 12 in the DM championship of entrepreneurship. I started 8leaves IVS, It was my first stab at Entrepreneurship to create a food business that creates allergy-friendly meals. It was a great experience.
Work area: Topledelse
Period: marts 2015 - januar 2016
2012 - 2013

Freelance Sound engineer

As a sound engineer, my work was covering lots of creative tasks within sound recording and design for film and music and ensuring the success of more than 10 projects. check some of my work on my LinkedIn profile.
Work area: Kommunikation, Media & SoMe
Period: januar 2012 - december 2013
My skills and abilities
adwords b2b marketing b2c marketing ecommerce event managment google analytics inbound influencer marketing lead generation marketing automation media design project management seo social media marketing
Skills at working proficiency
arabisk english
My preferences
Job type
Work areas
Kommunikation, Media & SoMe Marketing & Reklame Projektledelse Salg
Fyn Nordsjælland Storkøbenhavn Sydsjælland & Øer Udlandet (Sverige) Vestjylland Vestsjælland Østsjælland
35.000 DKK / month
Contact me!