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Freshly graduated traffic engineer with an international background, fluency in English and Hungarian, and an extensive base of knowledge across multiple engineering related disciplines. Great attention to detail in both personal and professional life.

traffic safety traffic technology road traffic safety auditing road inspection  

Updated 19. juni 2017
My education
2014 - 2016

Anden kort videregående udd.

Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU

Educational area: Produktion, Logistik & Transport
Period: januar 2014 - januar 2016
2009 - 2014

Anden kort videregående udd.

Anden uddannelsesinstitution i udlandet

Educational area: Produktion, Logistik & Transport
Period: september 2009 - januar 2014
My work experience
2017 - 2017

Web developer - intern

Tingbjerg Kollegiet - FSB

Overhaul of old kollegiet website in co-operation with the building manager's office. Product:
Work area: Transport & Logistik
Period: april 2017 - april 2017
2014 - 2014

Road construction field engineer

Budapest Center for Transport (BKK)

Inspection of roadwork areas, compliance assessment (with traffic code), report writing - in 0,5 year gap between BSc and MSc
Work area: Transport & Logistik
Period: juni 2014 - august 2014
2013 - 2013

Traffic safety engineer - intern

Budapest Center for Transport (BKK)

Audit and inspection of problematic junctions and locations, creation of accident hotspot map (in co-operation with traffic police), liaising with public transport in safety issues, report writing, reviewing proposed road constructions
Work area: Transport & Logistik
Period: juni 2013 - august 2013
My skills and abilities
auditing cognitive science graphics design inspection safety sociology technical drawing traffic safety traffic technology video editing
Skills at working proficiency
english hungarian
My preferences
Job type
Fuldtidsjob Graduate/trainee
Work areas
Transport & Logistik
Nordsjælland Storkøbenhavn Østsjælland
35.000 DKK / month
Contact me!