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People i have worked with before describe me as someone who has a good work ethics. I am an optimistic person who likes to bring joy to everyone.I believe in teamwork and delivering a good quality work in time. Furthermore, I take full responsibility when it comes to my work and I have the ability to finish my tasks without supervision.


Updated 24. oktober 2018
My education
2017 - 2019

Cand.merc. International Afsætning

Anden uddannelsesinstitution i Danmark

I am currently studying MSc in international marketing which is a specialization program under the department of economics. At the end of this program, i will be able to understand how marketing works in the globalized world. The program is intended to give as students capability of exploring the cross-border business transaction. Furthermore, In our study, we had the opportunity to work on solving real-life problems of companies using the PBL(problem-based learning) system.
Educational area: Administration
Period: september 2017 - juni 2019
2013 - 2016

BA i International Sales & Marketing

Anden uddannelsesinstitution i udlandet

(Recognized by Uddannelses- og Forskningsministriet)
Unity University, 2016
I have graduated with 3.22 GPA which is one of the highest academic
standing in Ethiopia (between 10 and 12 in Danish 7-point scale). During
my studies, my group and I hosted two marketing events representing
two companies. In the first event, we have scored the highest sales
revenue by offering a competitive price for a premium product. In the
second event, we represented one startup and a big joint venture
company. The event generated brand recognition to the start-up and
boosted sales for the other. My role in this project ranged from
convincing the company owners to collaborate with us and to
coordinate the whole process.
Educational area: Marketing & Business
Period: september 2013 - november 2016
2009 - 2013

BSc. Economics and Business Administration

Anden uddannelsesinstitution i udlandet

The Business administration Information Systems program is designed to provide students with a strong educational foundation that prepares them as information systems professionals with strong business knowledge background. The academic program consists of a specially designed curriculum that emphasizes conceptual, analytical, technical, and interpersonal skills. The major offers students comprehensive training in the application, use and management of Information Systems to prepare them provide effective information services and support to organizations. The course work is designed to provide technical and conceptual skills associated with the use of information technology in business and non-business organizations.
Educational area: Administration
Period: september 2009 - september 2013
My work experience
2017 - 2018

Volunteer work

Youth Good willAmbassador (YGA)

The Youth Goodwill Ambassador Programme is a career development programme for specially selected international Master’s students in Denmark. As a YGA I am part of an international network of over 800 highly educated young talents in Denmark. I work on branding Denmark as an attractive work and study destination by representing my Danish university internationally. Being part of this career network, I participate in career development events to obtain knowledge about the Danish labour market, to learn about the Danish workplace culture and professional networking, and to meet and interact with Danish companies.
Work area: Marketing & Reklame
Period: september 2017 - september 2018
2012 - 2016

Business administration

Kasa tyre

Working in this company has helped me develop my overall business skills. It is my understanding that happy employees lead to better productivity, and keeping them motivated is the duty of the manager. Furthermore, I developed multiple ways of devising business strategies. Some of the changes I have made during my stay has helped the company change its status from negative revenue, into gaining profit within 2 years. This was possible by introducing a new way of controlling inventory, by hiring competent accountants which fitted the company profile, in general by thinking in new and innovative ways.
Work area: Administration
Period: august 2012 - juli 2016
My skills and abilities
coordination extrovert intercultual interdisplinary optimistic proactive result oriented teamplayer
Skills at working proficiency
amharic english tigrinya
My preferences
Job type
Deltidsjob Fuldtidsjob Graduate/trainee Praktikplads Studiejob Studieprojekt/speciale
Work areas
Administration Marketing & Reklame Salg
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