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Dedicated programmer with a great interest in algorithms, optimization and machine learning as well as code quality. Looking for internship from January 2019.

Updated 23. november 2018
My education
- now

Professionsbachelor, Softwareudvikling

Erhvervsakademi Aarhus - EAAA

Educational area: IT
Period: - now
My work experience
2018 - 2018

Software Developer


Worked on the development of a new building evaluation module for NTI's own web-based facility management system Mdoc FM. The first version of the module was successfully sold to a large public customer just before I left to focus on my studies.
Work area: IT - Software
Period: februar 2018 - juni 2018
2017 - 2018

Full Stack Development Intern


Worked on the development of a new building evaluation module for NTI's own web-based facility management system Mdoc FM.
Work area: IT - Software
Period: september 2017 - januar 2018
My skills and abilities
none specified
Skills at working proficiency
dansk engelsk
My preferences
Job type
Work areas
IT - Software
Østjylland (Aarhus)
Contact me!