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Both feet on the ground, quick learner, liking to take on challenges, which I often do with my passion for triathlon. I am very ambitious, sometimes a bit too much. Not shy about asking for help. I bring a light mood to my surroundings, and I value an unformal tone, while still keeping a balance between joking and being serious.

Updated 05. februar 2019
My education
2017 - 2019


Aarhus Universitet

Educational area: IT
Period: februar 2017 - februar 2019
2014 - 2017


Aarhus Universitet

Educational area: IT
Period: februar 2014 - februar 2017
My work experience
2018 - 2018

Onsite Support

Arla Foods amba

8 week contract established with Arla Foods through the consultant company ProData A/S
Work area: Rådgivning & Support
Period: september 2018 - november 2018
2016 - 2016

Google Glass Developer

SEGES Innovation P/S

Java development in Android Studio on Google Glass.
Worked under SCRUM giving experience in springs and estimating development time.
Work area: IT - Software
Period: februar 2016 - august 2016
My skills and abilities
adobe illustrator adobe indesign adobe photoshop android blender c# design patterns git html & css idea generating intellij ide interaction design java javascript json latex programming prototyping scrum sketching sql tdd unity 3d user participation
Skills at working proficiency
dansk engelsk
My preferences
Job type
Work areas
IT - Software
Contact me!