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Jeg har meget forskelligt at byde ind med, f.eks. research, undervisning og planlægning. Jeg er entusiastisk, fleksibel og vedholdende.

Updated 09. november 2021
My education
2016 - 2017


Anden uddannelsesinstitution i udlandet

Et års kinesisk sprog i Zhenjiang city, Kina
Educational area: Sprog, Media & Kommunikation
Period: september 2016 - juli 2017
2013 - 2015

Anden lang videregående udd.

Copenhagen Business School - CBS

Msc in Public Management and Social Development

This study is comparative and is primarily focusing on Scandinavia and China. The aim is the shape students to establish competences related to development of the welfare state, integrate various systems of society, culture, economy and institutions and the interplay between the private and public sector.

• Comparative semester project which compares Shanghai and Mumbai in relation to civil society and local government’s interplay on the development of underdeveloped city areas with less resourceful residents.
Educational area: Organisation & Ledelse
Period: september 2013 - september 2015
2009 - 2013

Anden mellemlang videregående udd.

Copenhagen Business School - CBS

Bsc in Business, Asian Language and Culture

The study takes an international focus with Asia and the West in a comparative perspective. The aim is to provide students with knowledge about what it takes for companies to do business in countries with very different economic and institutional conditions. Focus is on Japanese and Chinese culture and society, as well as Southeast Asia and ASEAN. Chinese language is taught as a subsidiary subject.

  • Exchange in Taiwan on 5th semester
  • • Bachelor project on human resources and recruitment in Danish design companies located in China.
    Educational area: Organisation & Ledelse
    Period: september 2009 - juni 2013
    My work experience
    2020 - now

    Researcher - freelance


    Informationssøgning om virksomheder - due diligence.
    Work area: Data & Analyse
    Period: august 2020 - now
    2019 - 2020

    Juleassistance i taskeafdelingen

    Salg og service af kunder i taskeafdelingen

    - ekstra vagter taget i kundeservice og herretøj afdelingerne.
    Work area: Salg
    Period: november 2019 - januar 2020
    2017 - 2019

    Klasse- og engelsk lærer


    I planned lessons and taught 22 kids between ages 3-6 years in English, including science, math, phonics, arts, reading, construction and ukulele.

    The school is an IB candidate. I've been planning lessons, teaching materials and assessment for units on Relationship and Materials.

    I led and communicated with foreign and Chinese teachers in the classroom about scheduling, reporting, classroom maintenance, classroom organization, childhood development, positive discipline and general classroom management.

    I wrote reports on a daily, weekly and monthly basis to keep track of the kids development and as a way of informing parents about their kids.

    I regularly made English recordings as an English teaching tool for the school bus transportation to the school.

    I've recorded Ukulele videos used as teaching materials for the kids at home.
    And I've trained and taught other teachers in playing Ukulele.
    Work area: Undervisning
    Period: september 2017 - september 2019
    2017 - 2017

    Engelsklærer i Business Engelsk

    Innovative Development and Entrepreneurship Association (I.D.E.A)

    Based on the book Conquering Business English, I planned lessons and taught about 20 university students in oral Business English language. I used role-playing scenarios of business conversations in combination with PPTs to teach.
    Work area: Undervisning
    Period: marts 2017 - juni 2017
    2016 - 2016

    Marketing and Communication Intern


    Packtech works B2B by selling packaging solutions, pump systems and sprayers to garden, industry and cosmetics.

  • text to newsletters
  • product texts for homepage
  • market analysis
  • finding leads
  • - ad hoc, summer party preparation etc.
    Work area: Marketing & Reklame
    Period: maj 2016 - juli 2016
    2016 - 2016

    Frivillig Leder

    Asiatisk Kultur Festival

    I was responsible for the job duties of 48 volunteers during the festival. I planned their work shifts in prior to the festival, I communicated work duties and coordinated their work duties and shifts during the festival, as well as servicing and motivating them during their work.

    I raised funds for the Festival.

    I formulated and sent out questionnaires for evaluation in order to further develop and improve the festival.

    The festival attracted more than 7700 visitors who experienced music, dance and food from Asian countries
    Work area: Organisation & Forening
    Period: januar 2016 - juli 2016
    2014 - 2014

    Praktikant i center for byudvikling

    Københavns Kommune

    Main tasks:
  • Administrative work in connection with the Lord Mayor's visit to Beijing
  • Assist delegations from Copenhagen Municipality in Beijing
  • Written internship project about the potentials and challenges in Danish Chinese sister city relationships

  • Experience:
  • e-mail correspondence, coordination and communication between Chinese and Danish stakeholders
  • Logistic preparation of delegation visits and conferences.
  • - Chinese language communication with Chinese organizers
    Work area: Ledelse & Planlægning
    Period: august 2014 - december 2014
    2009 - 2013


    ad hoc, to ensure the physical and psychological well-being of the person
    Work area: Medicinal & Sundhed
    Period: september 2009 - juli 2013
    2008 - 2009


    Ramboll Group

    assisted in cooking, serving coffee for meetings, table setting and cleaning. Contributed to the daily serving of lunch buffet for the employees
    Work area: Produktion
    Period: september 2008 - juni 2009
    My skills and abilities
    due diligence elev-evalueringer frivillig ledelse fundraising klasseledelse rapportskrivning research salg og service tværkulturel kommunikation undervisning undervisningsplanlægning
    Skills at working proficiency
    dansk engelsk kinesisk
    My preferences
    Job type
    Deltidsjob Event Freelance Fuldtidsjob Praktikplads Vikariat
    Work areas
    Administration Data & Analyse Organisation & Forening Politik & Samfund Rådgivning & Support Undervisning
    Storkøbenhavn Udlandet (øvrige)
    Contact me!
