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I am a self-driven young guy, who is ready for long hours, high pressure, and hard work. Throughout my university years, I gained and developed skills, that align perfectly with the qualifications for the marketing and sales positions, especially with the experience I acquired during my previous jobs and internships.

Updated 02. maj 2022
My education
2018 - 2022

BA i International Sales & Marketing

Ervhervsakademi - Kolding, IBA

1. Marketing
2. Financial Management
3. Organization and Management
4. Supply Chain
5. Business Law

1. Internal and external analysis
2. Creation of sales strategy
3. CRM strategy
4. Company’s channel management
5. Competitor analysis

During my education, I learned to understand complex aspects of international trade. I got thorough knowledge about economy, international marketing, law, and management, in relation to international trade and cooperation, and I learned about business development in an international setting.
Educational area: Marketing & Business
Period: august 2018 - januar 2022
My work experience
2018 - 2022

Warehouse Permanent Vikar

DSV Prime Cargo

1. Alternated goods in inventory by observing first-in / first-out approach to
keep shelves organized and properly stocked.
2. Prepared orders for shipment by systematically picking, packing and
labeling merchandise.
3. Completed over 300 customer orders each shift in warehouse setting.
4. Performed inventory control, such as counting and stocking
Work area: Eksport
Period: oktober 2018 - januar 2022
2021 - 2021

Digital Marketing Intern


1. Creating and maintaining Social Media pages to build up a profile of the company.
2. Developing marketing campaigns on SoMe for Denmark, the United Kingdom, and other markets.
3. Lead Generation marketing - providing visual and textual content.
4. Measure and report performance of digital marketing campaigns, and asses all Key Performance Indicators.
5. Planning, implementing, and managing the company's overall SEO strategy.
6. Expansion of Optifo's brand abroad.
7. Developing promotional and sales materials in English and Russian Languages.
Work area: Marketing & Reklame
Period: august 2021 - december 2021
2020 - 2020

Digital Marketing and HR Intern


1. Developing marketing campaigns on Social Media for the Eastern Europe region.
2. Creating promotional and sales materials in English, Russian and Romanian languages.
3. Designing and elaborating brochures, booklets for Asian countries with information about Bixter.Work and job opportunities.
4. Designing and creating presentation PowerPoints for new customers.
Work area: Marketing & Reklame
Period: januar 2020 - april 2020
2016 - 2018

Digital Marketing Adviser and Sales Representative

Automoblox Moldova

1. Designing and creating promotional materials - ads,
videos, brochures, and business cards.
2. Developing and designing a website, which helped to
brand exposure
3. Serving customers by selling products and meeting customer needs at local expositions.
Work area: Marketing & Reklame
Period: juli 2016 - juni 2018
My skills and abilities
analytical skills content marketing detail-focused e-mail marketing international sales market analysis seo social media marketing web design
Skills at working proficiency
english romanian russian
My preferences
Job type
Fuldtidsjob Graduate/trainee
Work areas
Human Resources Kommunikation, Media & SoMe Marketing & Reklame Salg
Midtjylland Nordjylland Nordsjælland Storkøbenhavn Sydsjælland & Øer Sydøstjylland Udlandet (Sverige) Vestjylland Vestsjælland Østjylland (Aarhus) Østsjælland
25.000 DKK / month
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