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Hi! I'm Dmytro. I'm frontend developer. I made websites since 2016 In my work I use such technologies as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React/Redux. I have some experience in working with PHP/WorPress. I began my way in web from HTML developing. For the six years I've made a lot of website layouts.

frontend developer html react css web webdeveloper javascript redux website  

Updated 15. november 2023
My education
2023 - 2023

Kurser, efteruddannelse og andet

Anden uddannelsesinstitution i udlandet

Comprehensive Course on JavaScript + React/Redux.
On this course I decided to refresh my knowledge of JavaScript and to get new skills in React/Redux to grow as a Front-end developer.

I have got proficient with React.js including:
  • JSX
  • Class/Functional components - State
  • Forms (Formik, Yup)
  • Component's lifecycle
  • React router
  • Redux
  • Webhooks
  • Session storage
  • Portals

  • During the course, I build a dynamic CRUD app with the ability to create, edit, remove, search and filter elements.

    Developed an informational app to demonstrate my gained skills and work of dynamic lists, react routing, functional components, webhooks, REST API, etc.
    Educational area: IT
    Period: januar 2023 - september 2023
    2014 - 2019

    Anden lang videregående udd.

    Anden uddannelsesinstitution i udlandet

    Educational area: Produktion, Logistik & Transport
    Period: september 2014 - december 2019
    2016 - 2016

    Kurser, efteruddannelse og andet

    Anden uddannelsesinstitution i udlandet

    HTML developer - course.
    Web development.
    Responsive, cross-browser and valid website layout.
    Development of dynamic websites using the Java script language and its frameworks.
    CSS animation.
    Experience in developing one-page landing pages and multi-page online stores.
    Working with graphic editors for web development.
    Educational area: IT
    Period: juni 2016 - november 2016
    My work experience
    2020 - now

    Frontend developer


  • developing responsive website layouts from scratch;
  • solving UI/UX issues;
  • code refactoring;
  • - website responsiveness/cross browsing testing;
    Work area: IT - Software
    Period: april 2020 - now
    2016 - 2022

    Frontend developer (

    My first experience, where I began my journey in Web Development. After a long time of working on this freelance service, I've gained skills in the main technologies required to create high-quality, responsive website layouts. I've resolved many UI issues for my customers on their websites when other developers couldn't.

    I've received 45 positive reviews from my clients because I always adhere to these rules:

  • to perform my job with high quality;
  • to maintain constant communication with the client;
  • to complete my tasks on time;
  • - to develop my skills continuously.
    Work area: IT - Software
    Period: december 2016 - februar 2022
    My skills and abilities
    css html javascript jquery react redux
    Skills at working proficiency
    danish english russian ukrainian
    My preferences
    Job type
    Work areas
    IT - Software Teknik
    30.000 DKK / month
    Contact me!
