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Awarded for my effort with International Student Services at Aarhus University with the HM II's Travel Grant 2013, after one year abroad on the BSs Sport and Exercise Science in Australia, I have displayed uniqness, independence and competence to work in an international environment.

"Award Aarhus Universit 2013" "Sports Spychology" "International StudentServices "Sport & Exercise Science" "Faculty of Health"  

Updated 27. april 2016
My education
- now

BA i Idræt

Aarhus Universitet

Educational area: Medicinal & Sundhed
Period: - now
- now

BA i Idræt

Anden uddannelsesinstitution i udlandet

Educational area: Medicinal & Sundhed
Period: - now
- now

Kurser, efteruddannelse og andet

Aarhus Universitet

Educational area: Humaniora
Period: - now
My preferences
Job type
Deltidsjob Event Freelance Fuldtidsjob Iværksætterprojekt Vikariat
Work areas
Nordjylland Storkøbenhavn Sydsjælland & Øer Sønderjylland Udlandet (Norge) Udlandet (øvrige) Vestjylland Østjylland (Aarhus)
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