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My aim as a manager is to construct meaningful and long-lasting relationships between the companies and consumers.

Updated 14. november 2016
My education
2012 - 2014

Cand.mag. i Kultur, Kommunikation og Globalisering

Aalborg Universitet

Educational area: Marketing & Business
Period: september 2012 - maj 2014
2002 - 2006

BA i Marketing and Management Communication

Anden uddannelsesinstitution i udlandet

Educational area: Sprog, Media & Kommunikation
Period: september 2002 - maj 2006
My work experience
2014 - 2015

Research Assistant

Research and Fundraising at BMDC
Concept developer and fundraising opportunity manager for a creativity training project with a successful Erasmus+ grant awarded (more info on demand). Knowledge on Horizon2020 and Industriens Fond protocols.
Work area: Forskning & Udvikling
Period: oktober 2014 - juni 2015
2011 - 2011

Public Relations Trainee

Media Consulting - Consultores de Comunicação

Press agent, social networking, event tracking and startegy planner.
Work area: Marketing & Reklame
Period: juli 2011 - september 2011
2011 - 2011

Marketing and Communications


Development and brand strategy, content creation and social networking.
Work area: Kommunikation, Media & SoMe
Period: marts 2011 - juli 2011
2006 - 2011

Handling Agent - TTAE

TAP Portugal

Passenger and baggage assistance, operating tasks for the aircraft balance. Reservation and traffic distribution and acceptance control. Issue, sell, check, note, account and document and carrie out transportation reimbursements. Organize, coordinate and control loading and unloading of cargo, mail and aircraft baggage. Coordinate and control the tasks performed by ramp operators. Prepare and analyze processes complaints of irregularities in baggage, cargo and mail. Provides information and addresses public complains.
Work area: Transport & Logistik
Period: oktober 2006 - februar 2011
My preferences
Job type
Freelance Fuldtidsjob Graduate/trainee Ph.d. & forskning
Work areas
Bornholm Fyn Grønland & Færøerne Midtjylland Nordjylland Nordsjælland Storkøbenhavn Sydsjælland & Øer Sydvestjylland (Esbjerg) Sydøstjylland Sønderjylland Udlandet (Norge) Udlandet (Sverige) Udlandet (øvrige) Vestjylland Vestsjælland Øresundsregionen Østjylland (Aarhus) Østsjælland
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