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I have a Master's in biology with a specialization in molecular biology and genetics. I have experience with the model organism Drosophila and microbiome studies, research using breast cancer cells and most recently I worked with endocrine disruptive chemicals as a research/scientific assistent at the Technical University of Denmark.

Updated 12. juni 2022
My education
2015 - 2018

Cand.scient. i Biologi

Københavns Universitet

Educational area: Naturvidenskab
Period: september 2015 - marts 2018
2012 - 2015

BA i Biologi

Københavns Universitet

Educational area: Naturvidenskab
Period: september 2012 - juni 2015
My skills and abilities
cell culture drosophila genetics immunohistochemistry qpcr western blot
Skills at working proficiency
dansk engelsk
My preferences
Job type
Deltidsjob Fuldtidsjob Ph.d. & forskning Praktikplads Vikariat
Work areas
Forskning & Udvikling Medicinal & Sundhed Naturvidenskab
Nordsjælland Storkøbenhavn Vestsjælland Østsjælland
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