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Current jobs at Københavns Universitet (KU)

Three Group Leaders (Associate Professor or Professor) in Cardiometabolic Health and Disease

Extended application deadline 31 January 2025 Three Group Leaders (Associate Professor or Professor) in Cardiometabolic Health and Disease Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen

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162980 Clinical Professor in Neurology with special focus on Clinical Neurophysiology (Fixed-Term, 10 Years)

Department of Clinical Medicine Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen The University seeks to appoint a clinical professor in Neurology with special focus on Clinical Neurophysiologyto commence as soon as possible. The externally funded professorship is combined with a consultancy at Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet, Department of Neurophysiology and Filadelfia Epilepsy Hospital.

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Junior Characterization Engineer at the NNF Quantum Computing Programme

The Novo Nordisk Foundation Quantum Computing Programme (NQCP) is establishing a talented and diverse international team to create a cutting-edge quantum programme in the heart of Copenhagen, Denmark

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Center for Textile Research is recruiting student helpers v SAXO, KU

The Centre for Textile Research, Saxo Institute, is looking to employ student helpers in connection with three ongoing research projects about archaeological and heritage textiles. The first project is TriVal. Textile resources in Viking Age landscapes (, the second one is Fashioning Sudan. Archaeology of dress along the Middle Nile (, and the third one is Silk ribbons in Museum Amager

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PhD fellowship in Plant Conservation

Natural History Museum Denmark invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in Developing Best Practice Botanical Conservation Collections. Start date is April 1 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The project Botanical Gardens are increasingly playing a role in conservation of threatened plants

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PhD positions in Theoretical Computer Science

Department of Computer Science Faculty of SCIENCE University of Copenhagen The Department of Computer Science at the University of Copenhagen (DIKU) invites applications for PhD positions in theoretical computer science, tentatively commencing 1 September 2025 (but the starting date is negotiable). Description of the scientific environment

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Studentermedarbejder til projekt om ukrainske flygtninge

Institut for Psykologi ved Københavns Universitet søger en studentermedarbejder til at assistere med datamanagement og analyse i forbindelse med et forskningsprojekt om ukrainske flygtninge. I projektet er der indsamlet data tre gange i en stor population af ukrainske flygtninge i Danmark, og flere dataindsamlinger følger. Vi forestiller os at du: • Er psykologistuderende • Har dokumenterede kvalifikationer med databehandling og datamanagement • Er rutineret med programmering i R

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Programkoordinator med flair for at levere administrativ, struktureret og kommunikativ støtte til KU’s talentprogram UCPH Forward

Talentprogrammet UCPH Forward, der er rettet mod dedikerede forskere på Københavns Universitet, søger en fuldtidsansat koordinator til at gennemføre, synliggøre og udvikle programmet på KU. Koordinatoren indgår i tæt samarbejde med programledelsen, der består af fire anerkendte professorer. Koordinatoren skal være med til at sikre, at UCPH Forward konsolideres på KU, skabe netværk med andre talentinitiativer og knytte administrativt og videnskabeligt ansatte tættere sammen.

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11 studerende til arbejdet med optagelse v FA

Skal du være med til at optage den nye årgang af bachelorstuderende på Københavns Universitet? Du bliver en del af det administrative maskinrum på KU og får relevant erfaring med kommunikation, sagsbehandling og it. Du bliver en del af en større gruppe af studerende fra forskellige uddannelser, som hjælper til med årets bacheloroptagelse. Tiltrædelse 1. februar 2025. Hvad skal du arbejde med? • Sagsbehandling, journalisering og kontrol af ansøgninger om optagelse • Kommunikation pr

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CESE PhD fellowship in Science Education Research at IND

We invite applicants for a PhD fellowship to research professional identities among science teachers in Danish primary and lower secondary schools. The project is part of the Danish Science Education Academy (NAFA) and its research program: Center of Excellence in Science Education (CESE). This program announces PhD calls focussing on research relevant to practice in Danish primary and lower secondary education and/or teacher education

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Projektkoordinator til Center for Pharmaceutical Data Science Education

Institut for Lægemiddeldesign og Farmakologi Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet Københavns Universitet Det nye Center for Pharmaceutical Data Science Education forankret på Institut for Lægemiddeldesign og Farmakologi, Københavns Universitet, søger en dedikeret og selvstændig projektkoordinator til en tidsbegrænset stilling fra 1. marts 2025 til 31. august 2030. Om centeret

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Postdoc in Porcine Health Management

We are looking for a highly motivated and dynamic postdoc for a 21-month position, to commence 1 April 2025 or after agreement. The Postdoc will mainly be involved in two research projects. The first project concerns the use of antibiotics for the treatment of umbilical inflammation in piglets. The second project concerns improving diagnostics and investigating preventive measures for Cryptosporidium spp. in calves and Cystoisospora suis in piglets.

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Ph.d.-stipendium i cerebrospinalvæskedynamik ved Institut for Neurovidenskab

Vi tilbyder et ph.d.-stipendium indenfor forskningsområdet omkring hjernens væskebalance med start 1. april 2025 eller så hurtigt som muligt herefter. Vores gruppe og forskning Vores forskningsgruppe fokuserer på de molekylære mekanismer, der ligger til grund for vand- og ionhomeostase i pattedyrs hjerne under både fysiologiske og patofysiologiske forhold

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PhD fellowship in Environmental and Soil Sciences

PhD project: Modelling Impacts of Agricultural Soil Management and Mineral and Organic Fertilisation on Pools and Fluxes of Water, Carbon, Nitrogen and Greenhouse Gases The Department of Plant & Environmental Sciences, invites applicants for a PhD fellowship within Environmental and Soil Sciences.

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Postdoc of Global Nutrition and Health

The Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, University of Copenhagen announces a position as postdoc within the research field of nutrition and health in low-income countries for 29 months, with a possibility for extension. The position is open from 1 February 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The research project(s)

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PhD fellowship in plant proteins and data modelling

Department of Food Science invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in Synergizing chemistry and data science to enhance plant-based food development. Start date is 1 February 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The project Extrusion is the most used technique to produce meat analogue, through the complex protein transformation from raw ingredient into meat-like structure

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Projektleder til internationalt forskning-praksis projekt om byernes klimaarbejde og vandhåndtering

Om Projektet Dronning Marys Center ved Københavns Universitet søger en projektleder til et ambitiøst 3-årigt forskning-praksis projekt om byers klimarbejde, vandhåndtering og resiliens. Projektet – The Transformative Impact of High Ambition Commitments - tager udgangspunkt i C40's Water Safe Cities Accelerator, hvor 17 globale storbyer har forpligtet sig til ambitiøse mål for effektiv vandhåndtering samt imødegå oversvømmelser og tørke

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PhD fellowship in Climate Change Adaptation in Conflict Settings at The Department of Public Health

We are offering a PhD fellowship in climate change adaptation in conflict settings starting March 1st 2025 or as soon as possible hereafter. Our group and research This position will be based at the Global Health section at the Department of Public Health with the disaster research group and will be part of the Copenhagen Centre for Disaster Research

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PhD fellowship in brain tumor bioinformatics at BRIC, Kristensen group

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen We are offering a PhD fellowship in brain tumor bioinformatics commencing April 2025. Our group and research The selected candidate will be part of professor, consultant neuropathologist Bjarne Winther Kristensen’s research group ( and professor in neurosurgery Tiit Mathiesen’s research group

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Tandplejer til Specialklinik for Oral rehabilitering

Odontologisk Institut, Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet er en stilling som tandplejer ledig til besættelse snarest muligt. Stillingen er en deltidsstilling, indtil videre på 16 timer/uge. Om os Odontologisk Institut ligger på Panum Instituttet og har ca. 450 studerende indskrevet ved tandlægestudiet. De tandlægestuderende undervises på instituttets store undervisningsklinik, der består af ca. 200 behandlingsunits

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Studerende til Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab

Vi søger en studerende til forskellige arbejdsopgaver forbundet med forskningsprojekter. Det vil være en fordel, hvis du er fortrolig med Office pakken, som anvendes bredt på universitetet. Da en del intern og ekstern kommunikation sker på engelsk er det en forudsætning, at du behersker dansk og engelsk i skrift og tale. Om Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab

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Landbrugsmedhjælper til forsøgsgårdene

Forsøgsgårdene under Plantefaciliteter og Værksteder ved Det Natur- og Biovidenskabelige Fakultet (SCIENCE), Københavns Universitet søger en studerende indenfor agronomi, biologi el.lign. som landbrugsmedhjælper med tiltrædelse den 9. december 2024 eller snarest derefter. Stillingen er en fast stilling med 12 timer om ugen. Om os Forsøgsgårdene omfatter 210 ha fordelt på 4 gårde, der ligger samlet i Taastrup

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PhD scholarship at the Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen (UCPH)

Applications are invited for a PhD scholarship at the Department of Economics. Enrolment will be at the Faculty of Social Sciences under Copenhagen Graduate School of Social Sciences. The position starting date is 1 September 2025. Introduction The PhD programme provides PhD students with strong research training which opens up a window of opportunity to a variety of careers within the private and public sectors

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PhD scholarships at Center for Economic Behaviour and Inequality (CEBI) at the Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen (UCPH)

Are you passionate about pioneering research on economic behavior and inequality? CEBI at the University of Copenhagen invites ambitious candidates to join our PhD programme, starting 1 September 2025.

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PhD scholarships as part of the research project, “Behavioral Barriers to the Green Transition", CEBI, University of Copenhagen (UCPH)

The Department of Economics and CEBI is pleased to announce openings for up to two fully-funded PhD scholarships as part of the research project “Behavioral Barriers to the Green Transition”. With global energy demand projected to increase by 47% by 2050, improving energy efficiency is crucial for transitioning to a low carbon economy. While technological progress is a precondition, ultimately, the “human factor” determines energy consumption

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PhD scholarship as part of the research project “The Role of Preferences and Beliefs in Shaping Physician Careers”, CEBI, University of Copenhagen (UC

The Department of Economics and CEBI is pleased to announce openings of a fully-funded PhD scholarship as part of the research project “The Role of Preferences and Beliefs in Shaping Physician Careers”. This project is funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark. You will be involved in research centered at the high-skilled labor market for physicians. Health care sectors across the world are challenged by physician shortages to match increasing demands for care

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PhD fellowship in Aging Interventions at the Departments of Cellular and Molecular Medicine and Biomedical Sciences

We are offering a PhD fellowship in Aging Interventions commencing February 1st, 2025 or as soon as possible hereafter. Our group and research Our groups utilizes computational science, animal models, and clinical trials to understand and influence the aging process with a particular focus on the role of genome stability and metabolism in aging

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Morten Meldal PhD fellowships in Chemistry

The Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, invites excellent, ingenious, and creative applicants for two PhD stipends in chemistry. Application date for the stipends will be February 1st, 2025. Start date is August 1st, 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The PhD stipends will be available for PhD projects in all areas of experimental and theoretical chemistry at the Faculty of Science

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En studerende med grønne fingre søges

Vores Plantevækstfaciliteter kan ikke passe sig selv i weekender og helligdage. Derfor søger Institut for Plante- og Miljøvidenskab 1 studerende, som vil skiftes med 3 kollegaer til at vande planter, passe teknikken samt udføre forfaldende opgaver i Københavns Universitets væksthus- og klimakammer faciliteter på Frederiksberg med start den 15. januar 2025.Om Plante faciliteterne Vi er 6 medarbejdere i Plante Faciliteter Frederiksberg fordelt på 2 områder; Rolighedsvej 23 og Thorvaldsensvej 40

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PhD fellowship in Quantum Optics, Atomic Physics and Materials Science

PhD Project in advancing quantum optics, atomic physics and materials growth. Niels Bohr Institute Faculty of SCIENCE University of Copenhagen The Novo Nordisk Quantum Computing Programme (NQCP) at the Niels Bohr Institute invites applications for a PhD fellowship in quantum physics and materials science, focusing on cutting-edge quantum optics and crystal growth

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PhD scholarship at the Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen (UCPH)

Applications are invited for a PhD scholarship at the Department of Anthropology. Enrolment will be at the Faculty of Social Sciences under Copenhagen Graduate School of Social Sciences. The position starting date is 1 March 2025. Introduction The project PROMACS, ‘Promoting Climate Change Adaptation in a Context of Multiple Crises in Burkina Faso

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PhD fellowship in Microglassification of proteins at Department of Pharmacy

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen We are offering a three-year PhD fellowship in microglassification of pharmaceutical proteins commencing 15th of March 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. Project description Protein drugs have allowed for a safer and more effective treatment of various severe diseases, such as diabetes and cancer

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PhD fellowship in Improved oral health among middle-aged and older adults

We are offering a PhD fellowship in Community Dentistry commencing 1 March 2025, or after agreement. The overall aim of the project is to identify intervention targets that can ensure good oral health among middle-aged and older Danes. The specific aims of the PhD project are: • Identify risk factors for the development of poor oral health. • Investigate the association between development in oral health and co-morbidity.

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Autoriseret veterinærsygeplejerske søges til flere af vores fantastiske teams på Universitetshospitalet for Familiedyr (opslag til løbende besættelse

Om Universitetshospitalet for Familiedyr På Universitetshospitalet underviser og forsker vi i sygdomme hos familiedyr. Hospitalet er døgnåbent, og vores dyrlægestuderende er med døgnet rundt i alle vores afdelinger. Det er dyrlægerne, som har det primære ansvar for undervisningen, men som VSP involverer du dem også i dit arbejde, og superviserer dem i at opnå de praktiske kliniske færdigheder. Vi tilbyder dig at blive en del af en af vores dynamiske og tværfaglige teams

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PhD Project in understanding the life-cycle of dust

Astrophysics and Planetary Science at the Niels Bohr Institute invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in cosmic dust. Start date is (expected to be) 01.09.2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The project Cosmic dust is critical to the evolution of the universe; it catalyses the formation of stars, planets, and molecules, and, by absorbing half of all emitted light, fundamentally alters the appearance of galaxies. But where this dust comes from is still unknown

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Prodekan for forskning, Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Københavns Universitet

Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet søger en ny prodekan for forskning. Du får mulighed for at blive en del af fakultetets topledelse – og du kan præge fakultetets stærke forskningsmiljø. Du får det overordnede ansvar for at implementere universitetets og fakultetets mål, særligt i relation til forskning og ekstern finansiering af forskning

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Three PhD fellowships in Machine Learning

Department of Computer Science Faculty of SCIENCE University of Copenhagen Department of Computer Science, Machine Learning Section invites applicants for the PhD fellowships in the following projects. The project At least three open positions are being advertised in this call. Each position is detailed below

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Postdoc in Marine Bioluminescence

A 2-year postdoc position is open in the sensory biology group lead by assoc. prof. Anders Garm at the Marine Biological Section, University of Copenhagen. The postdoc will be part of a Villum Foundation financed project searching for UV-bioluminescence in alciopids, a group of marine annelids

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Postdoc position in experimental hematology to study normal and malignant hematopoietic stem cell biology

The Porse group at the Finsen Laboratory/BRIC at University of Copenhagen is seeking a highly motivated postdoc to work on hematopoietic stem cell biology. Our research/The group

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Københavns Universitet (KU)

Nørregade 10, 1165 København K

Københavns Universitets mål er at drive forskning af højeste kvalitet, at tilbyde forskningsbaseret uddannelse til det højeste akademiske niveau, og at formidle ny og klassisk viden til såvel videnskabelige miljøer som til det omgivende samfund.

We perodically offer student internships

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