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Current jobs at Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU)

PhD Scholarship in Integrated Direct Air Capture and CO2 Utilization - DTU Energy

Join our team to advance pioneering CO2 capture and utilization technologies. This position offers a unique opportunity to contribute to sustainable solutions, enhancing environmental impact through cutting-edge research and development in carbon management. If you are looking to advance your career in scientific research and seeking an opportunity that aligns with your ambitions in the field of carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and utilization, this position is ideal for you

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PhD scholarship in Photonics Integrated Circuits for Biomedical Imaging – DTU Electro

DTU Electro is seeking a candidate for a PhD position on photonic integrated circuits, which can enable solid-state optical beam steering and will be used for the next generation biomedical imaging. If you want to establish your career as an early-stage researcher and are currently looking for the best possible foundation for your dreams and ambitions, it is right here in front of you

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PhD Positions (2) in Advanced Methods for Human Behaviour Analysis in Future Transport Systems Using Virtual Reality – DTU Management

Two PhD positions focusing on developing and testing the next generation of mathematical models for explaining and predicting human behaviour and decision-making in the context of future transport and infrastructure systems using data collected through immersive virtual reality experiments

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Three PhD Scholarships for Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant in Intelligent Ingestible Devices for Gastrointestinal Therapeutics, Diagnosis, or Interventio

The Intelli-Ingest Doctoral Network will train 13 researchers in the development of minimally invasive, orally delivered miniaturized devices. In connection with work package 1 Ingestible for Therapeutics, we are currently looking for three PhD students who will be working on 3 different projects. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) Doctoral Networks are joint research and training projects funded by the European Union

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PhD scholarship in Human-XAI Collaboration for Improved Fetal Ultrasound Imaging - DTU Compute

You will develop explainable AI algorithms whose target is to support non-specialist clinicians in obtaining high quality fetal ultrasound images, while simultaneously improving their skill. The position requires both a practical skill set in developing robust deep learning algorithms and user friendly interfaces, but also a passion for collaborating with clinical users to create algorithms that are designed to accommodate their learning.

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PhD scholarship in Robust and Interpretable Deep Learning: Predicting Fetal Development from Ultrasound Imaging - DTU Compute

PhD scholarship dedicated to deep learning for predicting fetal development from ultrasound images. You will collaborate with an interdisciplinary team of clinicians, statisticians and machine learners to build robust and interpretable image-based and multimodal machine learning models that support a better understanding of fetal development as well as more robust and precise predictions of fetal outcomes from image data.

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PhD scholarship in Algorithmic Fairness for Medical Imaging - DTU Compute

PhD scholarship in tackling label bias within algorithmic fairness. When labels are systematically wrong, even fairness tools risk becoming unfair – this PhD project is dedicated to uncovering and solving the problems with label bias for algorithmic fairness within medical imaging applications. Algorithmic bias is a fundamental problem when using machine learning and AI to solve problems that involve humans

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PhD scholarship in Nonlinear Strain Paths in Sheet Metal Forming - DTU Construct

PhD position in ‘Nonlinear strain paths in sheet metal forming’. The PhD project will advance the understanding and prediction of sheet metal formability under complex loading paths. Furthermore, the contact between tools and sheet metal will be studied. If you are looking for a research opportunity and a PhD position, here is a possibility at the Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark

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Postdoc in quality assessment of Satellite Altimetry over Land Ice - DTU Space

Are you passionate about satellite altimetry over land ice and want to develop your career as a scientist? Do you want to contribute to ensuring the high quality of Sentinel-3 altimetry products and explore the connection between extreme wildfires and their impact on land ice observations?

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DTU Tenure Track Researcher in Computational Design of Non-Conventional Energy Materials - DTU Energy

DTU Energy seeks a tenure-track researcher in computational design of non-conventional energy materials. Focus areas include solid-state thermal batteries, inverted singlet-triplet photoactive materials, and oxide freestanding films. The role involves developing algorithms and simulations for three innovative projects: Anti-Hund, Heat2Battery, and NEXUS.

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PhD Scholarships in Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy – DTU Physics

Three PhD projects financed by a NNF Nerd, NNF Challenge and EUROfusion to work with plasma physics and fusion energy at DTU Physics. Are you interested in contributing to solve the energy crisis by developing a clean sustainable energy source which replicates the Sun on Earth? Would you like to work in a team with a strong feeling of purpose and belonging?

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PhD scholarship in Reproductive Toxicology - DTU Food

We are seeking a highly motivated PhD candidate for a project delving into mammalian testis biology to tackle demands from next-generation risk assessment of chemicals in providing alternative test methods with high predictive capacity. We are seeking a highly motivated PhD candidate for a project delving into mammalian testis biology to tackle demands from next-generation risk assessment of chemicals in providing alternative test methods with high predictive capacity

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Postdoc: Innovate with Microstructural Engineering in Additive Manufacturing of Stainless Steel 316L and 17-4 PH! - DTU Construct

Exciting Postdoc Opportunity in Microstructural Engineering for Additive Manufacturing! Join the MicroAM Villum Investigator project to enhance toughness and fatigue resistance in AM steel 316L and 17-4 PH through innovative in-situ and post-AM microstructural engineering. Are you passionate about pushing the boundaries of additive manufacturing? The Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering at DTU invites you to join our team as a postdoc for 2

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PhD scholarship – Prediction and Modelling of Damage Mechanisms of Extra-Large Wind Turbine Blades - DTU Wind

If you are keen on contributing to the green transition, envisioning a planet running entirely on renewable energy, and looking for the best possible environment for fulfilling your dreams and ambitions, it is right here in front of you. If you are keen on contributing to the green transition, envisioning a planet running entirely on renewable energy, and looking for the best possible environment for fulfilling your dreams and ambitions, it is right here in front of you.

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PhD scholarship in Logic and AI - DTU Compute

The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) is offering a PhD scholarship in logic and AI within the research project Attention in Epistemic Planning. The PhD project involves developing logical theories, algorithms, and robotic implementations of attention-based epistemic planning. DTU is offering a PhD scholarship in logic and AI within the research project Attention in Epistemic Planning

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PhD scholarship in Smart Materials for Sustainable Indoor Air Quality Management - DTU Sustain

We seek a highly motivated PhD student to explore smart materials for sustainable built environment control. This interdisciplinary EU project offers the chance to develop and apply cutting-edge advanced materials (e.g., metal-organic frameworks) in designing a groundbreaking air-cleaning system. Are you pursuing a career in science and seeking the perfect foundation to achieve your ambitions? The ideal opportunity awaits you

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Strategic PhD scholarship in AI-Based Dynamic Blackout Anticipation Methods for Future Power Systems – DTU Wind

We are seeking a PhD student to join our world-leading research environment at DTU and contribute to developing next-generation AI-based tools for power systems. The project will focus on developing dynamic blackout anticipation and prevention methods using a digital twin of future power systems. This involves employing AI-based dynamic simulation tools, collaborating on the digital twin of the Bornholm Energy Island, and innovating solutions to enhance power system resilience.

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Postdoc in Experimental Quantum Random Number Generation – DTU Physics

You are passionate about working at the absolute forefront of quantum technology? Here is the opportunity for you to fulfil your dreams and ambitions! Random numbers have many applications, from cybersecurity to simulations to gambling. Since measurements in quantum physics deliver random outcomes, quantum random number generators (QRNGs) deliver the best randomness of all physics-based generators.

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Professor in Biomedical Engineering, Biomaterials, and Cellular Engineering – DTU Health Tech

The Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Department of Health Technology (DTU Health Tech), invites applications for a professor position in the interdisciplinary field of biomedical engineering, biomaterials, and cellular engineering. The Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Department of Health Technology (DTU Health Tech), invites applications for a professor position in the interdisciplinary field of biomedical engineering, biomaterials, and cellular engineering

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PhD scholarship in the structural design of wind turbine blades based on hemp fibres and bio-based resins - DTU Wind

PhD position focusing on applying hemp fibre and bio-based resin on full-scale wind turbine blades linked to the Ssuchy-Next project. DTU offers a PhD position linked to the Circular Bio-based Europe-funded project SSUCHY-Next - Developing the supply chains for industrial hemp fibre and bio-based resins towards high-performance circular bio-based composites. DTU leads a work package on developing large-scale wind turbine blade applications

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PhD scholarship in Design of automatic maintenance recommendation system for wind turbine components - DTU Wind

The objective of this PhD project is to design an automated component monitoring and maintenance recommendation system for bolts. The system will monitor the bolt tension and automatically generate work orders for bolts and tower sections that need to be re-tensioned.

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PhD scholarship in Development and Implementation of an Autonomous Decision Support System for Optimized Maintenance in Wind Turbine Infrastructure -

The PhD project aims to create a versatile, modular, autonomous decision support system to enhance the O&M practices of wind turbines, focusing on faults that cause degradation of the wind turbine and plant power generation performance. The system will integrate a data acquisition subsystem, a ML-based data analytics module, and an autonomous reasoning module to suggest optimal interventions.

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Postdoc in Increasing Data Capacity using Metasurface Mode Mmultiplexer/Demultiplexer for Multi-Mode Optical Fibers – DTU Electro

The Postdoc project is part of an interdisciplinary project that aims to combine the two research fields of mode-division multiplexing optical fiber communications and metasurfaces in order to obtain orders of magnitude higher data capacity than present commercial systems.

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PhD scholarship in Human Decision-Making and Immersive Virtual Reality - DTU Management

PhD scholarship in Human Decision-Making and Immersive Virtual Reality with a focus on comparing immersive and non-immersive data collection methods to study human decision-making in the context of future transport and infrastructure systems.

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Postdoc in Indican-based Light-Driven Denim Dyeing – DTU Electro

Do you wish to become part of our interdisciplinary team exploring the novel and ground-breaking discovery that textiles can be dyed with indican using only light. In this 1.5-year postdoc position your work will make a positive environmental and societal impact on textile production.

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PhD scholarship in Neuromusculoskeletal Modelling for Parkinson’s Disease - DTU Electro

Do you have a passion for computational neuroscience, neurorobotics, or bioengineering? If you are looking to establish your career as a scientist and want to work on cutting-edge biomedical research, this PhD scholarship might be the perfect opportunity for you. We offer a position where you will explore the frontiers of neuromusculoskeletal system modelling in collaboration with KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

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Postdoc in plant cell wall analytics - DTU Bioengineering

Postdoc in plant cell wall analytics. Tasks involve implementing and developing high through-put methods for carbohydrate characterization, including linkage analysis, for structural assessment of faba beans. Enzymatic decomposition methodologies using CAZymes will be applied. We are seeking a skilled postdoc with passion for carbohydrate analytics to take our plant cell wall analyses to the next level

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Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU)

Main office: Anker Engelunds Vej 1, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby

DTU udvikler teknologi for mennesker. Med vores forskning og uddannelser i international topklasse er vi med til at skabe en bedre verden, og vi bidrager til løsningen af de globale udfordringer formuleret i FN’s 17 verdensmål for en bæredygtig udvikling.

We perodically offer student internships

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