Current jobs at Falck Danmark A/S
Studentermedhjælper til Falcks rejseskadeafdeling
Studentermedhjælper til Falcks rejseskadeafdeling Bliv studentermedhjælper i rejseskadeafdelingen hos Falck – og hjælp med at søge regres. Om jobbet Vi ser frem mod vores sommerhøjsæson, og søger lige nu en Operational Coordinator (studentermedhjælper) med start senest 1. maj 2025 til vores regresgruppe i skadeafdelingen til vores kontor i København SV.
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Student Assistant at Falck DT Transformation Office
Student Assistant at Falck DT Transformation Office Are you a student in business administration, economics, finance, or IT-related area? Do you have an interest in project and portfolio management? Do you have a keen interest in working with data and leveraging its potential? Do you want to be part of a vibrant international team? Then we have an ideal student job for you
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Commercial Student Assistant IFS
Commercial Student Assistant IFS We are seeking a self-motivated and detail-oriented Student Assistant to join our global commercial team. This role offers a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in a large, diverse, and international organization. You will benefit from a steep learning curve in a collaborative environment that emphasizes knowledge-sharing.
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