Current jobs at Nationalmuseet
PhD scholarship in history at the new Center of Excellence “TRANSITION – Changing Urban and Rural lives”
The new Center of Excellence TRANSITION – Changing Urban and Rural lives at the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics (NorS) of the University of Copenhagen and the National Museum of Denmark, is seeking applicants for a PhD scholarship in transitional lifespan perspectives in the period circa 1870–1945 focusing on the lived experiences of urbanization in Denmark.
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Studentermedhjælpere til oldtid, middelalder og renæssances samlinger
Nationalmuseets enhed Samlinger søger to timelønnede studentermedhjælpere til at varetage opgaver inden for samlingsområdet for Danmarks Oldtid og Danmarks Middelalder og Renæssance. Arbejdsområder Som studentermedhjælper vil du indgå i en bred vifte af opgaver, der relaterer sig til udvikling og vedligeholdelse samlingernes arkiver, fotos og digitale registrering m.m
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