Current jobs at esoft systems
Studentermedhjælper til teknisk support og håndtering af fotoudstyr
Er du teknisk kyndig inden for fotoudstyr og kan du hjælpe med at løse problemer? Kan du kommunikere klart, håndtere flere opgaver på én gang og sikre en professionel supportoplevelse? Så er du måske vores nye studentermedhjælper! Vi leder nu efter en studentermedhjælper som kan hjælpe med holde styr på vores fotoudstyr og som kan hjælpe vores fotografer, når de har tekniske udfordringer.
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Business Analyst (part time)
Would you like to join Esoft's growth journey? Do you want to work in a company owned by a private equity fund, where ideas are turned into reality quickly? Are you proactive, committed and can conduct analyses, manage projects and secure the cross-functional collaboration together with the management team? Then maybe you are our new part-time Business Analyst at Esoft. What will your daily life look like?
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Production Intern (Full-time)
ABOUT ESOFT Esoft is one of the world’s leading real-estate tech companies specializing in property presentations, image processing, 3D visualization, and online marketing of properties worldwide. Our customers are real estate agents and property-marketing companies in Europe, US, and Australia who rely on us for our fast service, our innovative solutions, and high and consistent quality. The company was founded in 2000 in Denmark and our platform in Vietnam has been operating since 2007
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Quality & Technical Training Specialist
ABOUT ESOFT Esoft is one of the world’s leading real-estate tech companies specializing in property presentations, image processing, 3D visualization, and online marketing of properties worldwide. Our customers are real estate agents and property-marketing companies in Europe, US, and Australia who rely on us for our fast service, our innovative solutions, and high and consistent quality. The company was founded in 2000 in Denmark and our platform in Vietnam has been operating since 2007
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Freelance Interiørveileder
Klargjøring av boligen før foto er en svært viktig del av salgsprosessen. Målet er at boligens unike kvaliteter fremheves på riktig måte, slik at vi treffer flest mulig potensielle boligkjøpere. Våre dyktige interiørveiledere guider boligselgeren gjennom hele prosessen for å gjøre boligen så attraktiv som mulig, og forberede den for fotografering og visning
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Learning & Organization Development Intern
ABOUT ESOFT Esoft is one of the world’s leading real-estate tech companies specializing in property presentations, image processing, 3D visualization, and online marketing of properties worldwide. Our customers are real estate agents and property-marketing companies in Europe, US, and Australia who rely on us for our fast service, our innovative solutions, and high and consistent quality. The company was founded in 2000 in Denmark and our platform in Vietnam has been operating since 2007
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Accounting Intern
ABOUT ESOFT Esoft is one of the world’s leading real-estate tech companies specializing in property presentations, image processing, 3D visualization, and online marketing of properties worldwide. Our customers are real estate agents and property-marketing companies in Europe, US, and Australia who rely on us for our fast service, our innovative solutions, and high and consistent quality. The company was founded in 2000 in Denmark and our platform in Vietnam has been operating since 2007
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Quality Specialist (Photo)
ABOUT ESOFT Esoft is one of the world’s leading real-estate tech companies specializing in property presentations, image processing, 3D visualization, and online marketing of properties worldwide. Our customers are real estate agents and property-marketing companies in Europe, US, and Australia who rely on us for our fast service, our innovative solutions, and high and consistent quality. The company was founded in 2000 in Denmark and our platform in Vietnam has been operating since 2007
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