Current jobs at LiqTech
Join LiqTech as a Student Assistant in Ballerup – Danish & English Speaker
Some of your key responsibilities will be: Identify potential customers and analyze industry trends. Write blogs, newsletters, and articles showcasing LiqTech's expertise. Update and refine brochures, presentations, and fact sheets. Use tools like Google Analytics to track web performance and generate reports.
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Join LiqTech as a Student Assistant in Ballerup – Danish & English Speaker
Join LiqTech as a Student Assistant in Ballerup – Danish & English Speaker Job Reference:CSR146 Are you a student looking for hands-on experience in a dynamic, international company that impacts the environment? At LiqTech, we are pioneers in advanced membrane filtration technology, helping industries worldwide tackle complex filtration challenges. Our innovative ceramic membranes drive sustainable solutions across multiple sectors, from purifying water and gas to reducing emissions.
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Interesseret i studiejob, -samarbejde, -praktik eller læreplads hos LiqTech?
Reference:CJA48 Vores koncern har 4 overordnede forretningsenheder placeret i hhv. Ballerup og på 2 Sites i Hobro • I Ballerup ligger LiqTech Ceramics, der har fokus på salg, udvikling og fremstilling af siliciumcarbidmembraner og dieselpartikelfiltre, samt LiqTech Holding, der har koncernfunktioner som koncernledelse, økonomi, HR, marketing, kvalitetskontrol m.m. . • I Hobro ligger LiqTech Water og LiqTech Plastics
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