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STOF2000 A/S

Statistics for jobs for highly educated

Development in job and career offers

The numbers are generated through statistics created through job collection for the jobbank network. Job statistics are updated with latest values on monthly basis.
Missing data is either due to the company not having any relevant jobs during this timespan or due to not being included in our job statistics within this particular period.
Notice - high uncertainty: Statistics for this company are based on only 1 registered job ads in total.

STOF2000 A/S

Main office: Tagtækkervej 9, 5230 Odense M

Velkommen til STOF 2000 – et kreativt stof- og hobbyunivers STOF 2000 er en kæde af hobby- og stofbutikker i Danmark. Selvom vi hedder STOF 2000, forhandler vi dog ikke kun stof, men også et stort udvalg af andre hobbyprodukter inden for bl.a. boligindretning, papirhobby, festartikler, håndarbejde, kunst og meget mere. Så uanset om du jagter pynt til boligen, du selv kan lave, om du holder af at sy og strikke, elsker at klippe og klistre eller mangler pynt til festen, finder du det hos os.

We accept unsolicited job applications: Apply through our webpages

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