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YouGov A/S

We don't just collect data, we connect data. YouGov is an international data and analytics group with the ambition to become a unique part of the global internet infrastructure - like Google for search, Facebook for social, Amazon for retail, we want it to be YouGov for opinion.

Our value chain is a virtual circle consisting of a highly engaged online panel, innovative data collection methods and powerful analytics technology. From the beginning we had one simple idea: the more people are able to participate in the decisions made by the institutions that serve them, the better those decisions will be.

We are a global online community for millions of people, and thousands of organizations, to engage in a continuous conversation about their beliefs, behaviors and brands, and provide a more accurate portrait of what the world thinks. 

YouGov A/S

Main office: Klosterstræde 9, 2., 1157 København Ø

We don’t just collect data, we connect data. YouGov is an international data and analytics group with the ambition to become a unique part of the global internet infrastructure - like Google for search, Facebook for social, Amazon for retail, we want it to be YouGov for opinion.

Workplace has right now 30 employees with higher educational background. In last periode they hired 1 candidates and 1 students and interns.

We accept unsolicited job applications: Apply through our webpages

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