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Danfysik develops, designs and manufactures components for particle accelerators: magnets (conventional, superconducting, permanent, special and compact), ultra-stable magnet power supplies, undulators, wigglers, electrostatics and beam diagnostic equipment.

Danfysik also designs and produces entire turn-key systems, such as ion implanters, synchrotron boosters, injector systems and synchrotron accelerators for research and industry applications.

In addition, Danfysik designs and produces the complete synchrotron accelerator system for particle therapy, to treat cancer with protons and heavy ions.

Many of our systems have been in operation for many years, sometimes more than a decade, providing stable high-quality performance for our customers’ particle accelerator equipment.

Danfysik is owned by the Danish Technological Institute, an independent non-profit organization.

Danfysik has customers and partners all over the world and our business is accelerating like our technology.


Main office: Gregersensvej 8, 2630 Taastrup

Danfysik provides high performance particle accelerators and related equipment for research, health care and industry globally. Danfysik’s success is based on the strong combination of our dedicated employees, our high quality products and technology, and on the trust we meet from our customers all over the world.

We accept unsolicited job applications: Apply through our webpages
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