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Dyrenes Beskyttelse

Statistics for jobs for highly educated

Development in job and career offers

Category statistics

Offered job types

In year 2023

Required education

In year 2023

Offered work areas

In year 2023

Offered location

In year 2023

The numbers are generated through statistics created through job collection for the jobbank network. Job statistics are updated with latest values on monthly basis.

Dyrenes Beskyttelse

Buddingevej 308, 2860 Søborg

Vi hjælper dyr i nød, stopper overgreb mod dyr og kæmper for et respektfuldt og bæredygtigt forhold mellem dyr, mennesker og natur.

Workplace has right now 30 employees with higher educational background. In last periode they hired 2 candidates and 4 students and interns.

We accept unsolicited job applications: Apply through our webpages

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