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Precis Digital

We are a marketing agency focused on the most relevant platforms for our clients’ digital investments. Our beginning in 2012 seems like a few moments ago. From day one, we wanted to deliver full out data-driven marketing with maximal transparency on all fronts. Little did we know our fanaticism would help us become a suitable partner to just about any company looking to benefit from the digital economy. And our call to increase marketing performance just keeps growing.

We’re crazy about data and driven by the notion of excellence. It’s a friendly culture – one that’s helped us to grow fast. With over a hundred different and talented people on-board, we are in a greater position to help you than ever before.

We believe the next generation digital marketing agency looks a little different. We see people and technology working in symbiosis to help businesses survive and prosper. The people are competent, efficient and, most of all, happy. Focused on impact and transparency, the technology is in a constant state of transformation. We see evidence of all this here at Precis – and we embrace it.

Precis Digital

Main office: Esromgade 15. opg.1, 4. tv, 2200 København N

We do data-driven digital marketing.

Workplace has right now 25 employees with higher educational background. In last periode they hired 12 candidates and 8 students and interns.

We perodically offer student internships

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