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GAME Denmark

Statistics for jobs for highly educated

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In year 2023

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In year 2023

Offered work areas

In year 2023

Offered location

In year 2023

The numbers are generated through statistics created through job collection for the jobbank network. Job statistics are updated with latest values on monthly basis.

GAME Denmark

Enghavevej 82 D, 2450 København SV

GAME er en non-profit organisation, som arbejder med gadeidræt og streetkultur. Vi uddanner unge til at drive træninger i streetbasket, gadefodbold og street dance i boligområder over hele Danmark, og i gadeidrætshuse i København, Esbjerg, Viborg og Aalborg. Vi arbejder også i Norge, Grønland, Ghana, Jordan, Libanon, Tunesien og Somaliland.

We accept unsolicited job applications: Apply through our webpages
We perodically offer student internships

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