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Futu er et Strategisk Designbureau, der leverer unikke designs, spil, services og koncepter. Vi gør en forskel for mennesker, virksomheder, samfund og et bæredygtigt miljø. Vi har dyb indsigt i målgrupper og fremtidstendenser og er ikke bange for at udfordre, nudge, gamificere og eksperimentere.


Main office: Gasværksvej 1, st. th., 8000 København K

futu designs outstanding products, services and concepts with high-impact on humans and businesses. We dive deep into experiences and cultures of contemporary life and constantly seek to catch the everchanging trends of tomorrow. Our work covers a broad design field, from graphic design, business design and brand identity to relation and space design.

Workplace has right now 4 employees with higher educational background. In last periode they hired 1 candidates and 3 students and interns.

We accept unsolicited job applications: Apply through our webpages

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