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Marketing intern with great writing skills

Cadesign form A/S

Autumn 2025

Aarhus, Denmark

Wanna join us?
Are digital marketing and content creation favorites in your academic vocabulary? And are you ready to replace theories with practical experience?
We’re a creative visual studio producing high-end CGI, animated, and interactive content for brands across the furniture, living, industrial, and home improvement sectors. Already one of the leading CGI studios in the world, we’ve experienced rapid growth as more brands learn to embrace CGI to increase and enhance their content production.

We’re looking for a talented and inquisitive marketing intern who wants to join our team for the autumn semester of 2025.

As our new marketing intern, you’ll play an important role in creating content that supports our integrated marketing campaigns. You'll work closely with the rest of the marketing team, who will help you develop valuable marketing and communication skills to add to your CV.

What you’ll do here
During your time with us, you’ll have the chance to work on several interesting aspects of marketing and communication. There will be lots of recurring tasks, such as segmented newsletters, blog posts, translations, SoMe posts, assisting with our paid marketing, and much more. And the best part is that you’ll be able to shape your role based on your interests.

However, we’ve also put together a more extensive project that will allow you to put your skills to work.

You’ll spearhead the update of one of our comprehensive e-books and all the activities surrounding it. In short, you’ll

  • research the topic,
  • rethink the content to make it even better,
  • do the writing,
  • collaborate with our Art Director on the visual side,
  • create newsletters and mailflows in our CMS, and
  • make SoMe posts and ad copy.

Your colleagues in the Marketing department will support and guide you throughout the process.

This will help you land the internship
You’re probably studying Marketing, Corporate Communication, or something related. Other than that, you:

  • have a passion for writing captivating content and want to learn how to apply your skills in a marketing context,
  • are fluent in Danish and English,
  • are helpful and supportive of your team members,
  • have an understanding (or desire to learn) about SEO principles and best practices,
  • have experience with (or desire to learn about digital) tools like HubSpot and Morningscore.

If you can’t tick all the boxes (yet), don’t worry. We expect you to learn along the way. At Cadesign form, we value collaboration, innovation, and excellence. A supportive team will back you in a casual environment that values development and close sparring.

Practicalities and culture
You will be a part of a lovely company culture with a lot of flexibility, collaboration, ambition, and a casual and welcoming atmosphere.

  • We are a diverse workforce, and as we have many international colleagues and clients, we often communicate in English.
  • Cadesign form has its bright office space outside the city center just north of Aarhus.
  • We value knowledge sharing and being social together.
  • You’ll become part of a company consisting of talented, specialized, and passionate people where you get to work closely with many different professionals.
  • All the nice little perks such as breakfast, lunch, good coffee, fresh fruit, active events, parties, Friday bars–and, of course, the occasional thrilling table tennis matches with your colleagues.

Have we sparked your interest?
Are you excited about learning much more about organic social and content marketing centered around the exciting world of CGI? Then, we’d love to hear from you.

Remember to choose "Marketing Intern" in the drop-down menu.

Please upload relevant materials, including your cover letter. We’re looking for someone to help us create outstanding content and digital marketing materials, so feel free to demonstrate your writing skills in your application to convince us why you’re the perfect match.

If you have any questions about the internship, contact our Brand and Business Development Director, Kaare Nørregaard, at [email protected].

We can’t wait to hear from you!

Note: When applying, you accept that we store your personal data for 6 months. Hereafter, your application will be deleted in line with current data regulations.

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Cadesign form A/S

Hovedkontor: Dusager 14, 8200 Aarhus N

Cadesign form er et visuelt kommunikationsbureau. Vi designer løsninger som folk kan se, forstå og huske. Vi skaber alt fra billeder og film til interaktive løsninger for kunder over hele verden. Vi hjælper dem med at skabe et stærkt, visuelt udtryk - der gør indtryk - og oplevelser med mere mening og mindre volapyk.

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