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Administrative Student Assistant

Aeven A/S

Are you interested in the dynamic fields of communications and branding in the IT industry? Join our team in Aeven, where we are building one of Denmark's most solid IT infrastructure brands.

Aeven is seeking a student assistant to be a part of our dedicated Tape management team, which is a part of the backup team.

Although we are a new company, we bring with us the expertise and experience of Aeven, from which we are formed. We have three decades of experience serving large-scale private and public customers in critical industries and we are approx. 1,400 colleagues located in Søborg, Prague, and Manila.

As a student assistant, you’ll work alongside dedicated team members who are taking care of the backup and restore for our customers. This position offers a diverse range of responsibilities, from help with a restore, driving with Taps and doing inventory of tape management, and stay calm in hectic situations.

Your responsibility:

  • Driving with tapes from customer location to Aeven location.
  • Mount and demount taps into our tow tape robots.
  • Make inventory list of tapes.
  • Help with restore from tapes.
  • Troubleshooting on our robots.
  • Handling of external vendors.
  • Update ticket systems.
  • Documentation
  • Various administrative assignments

The profile we’re looking for

  • Currently enrolled in a relevant study
  • Inquisitive and enjoy connecting with people, demonstrating a commitment to providing excellent service to colleagues and stakeholders.
  • Skilled at collaborating across departments.
  • Fluent in Danish, and professional in English
  • Driver license B
  • 15 to 20 hours per week.
  • Security clearance is a demand.
  • General knowledge about IT, MS, excel

We interview candidates continuously. Therefore, we encourage you to submit your application as soon as possible.

For any questions, please contact our Manager Lasse Sanvig at +45 30 77 85 99 or [email protected].

Department: Østmarken 3a, Søborg

Lokation: Copenhagen

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Aeven A/S

Østmarken 3A, 2860 Søborg

Our story began serving the life sciences industry nearly three decades ago. Since then, we’ve worked hard to expand our business by working with a broad range of Danish companies that do business at a global scale in industries that are subject to strict laws and regulations, financial controls, and extremely high service level requirements.

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