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unsolicited application

Crafting a strong internship application
Applying for an internship is quite similar to applying for a job. There are, however, some small, but essential, differences. For example, application for an internship is more likely to focus on courses and experience gained through personal interests and maybe a student job. The employers are also aware that you don’t come with a lot of hands-on experience yet, but that only makes it more important for you to show that you are interested in, and actively seek out, new experiences.
Move On Career, translated by Simone Miller (Move On Career)
How to write a good grant application
Remember that your application is one among many and those evaluating it need to be able to quickly tell whether you, specifically, are entitled to financial support.
Move On Career, translated by Simone Miller (Move On Career)
Boost your study budget with grants
Despite the abundance of available grants, surprisingly few people apply for them. This is often due to a lack of knowledge or confusion about the application process. Read on to learn how you can secure grant money for your studies.
Move On Career
How to get a job relevant to your studies
Are you considering finding a job relevant to your studies? Here are a few pieces of advice for the process, to help you get started on the job hunt.
Move On Career, translated by Simone Miller (Move On Career)
How to network during your education
A solid network can give you a strong foundation for reach your goals, both during and after your education. We’ve spoken to networking expert Charlotte Junge about how you can strengthen and shape your future career by thinking about your network.
Niklas Ingerslev (Move On Career), translated by Simone Miller (Move On Career)
Your student job application
A well-written job application can be your key to a new student job. Your application is your first – and maybe only – chance to make a good impression on your prospective employer.
Move On Career, translated by Simone Miller (Move On Career)