Let it be said right off the bat that there isn’t a single, universal trade union that can be raised up as better than all others. It all depends on what services you’re looking for and what field you’re studying within.

What trade unions all have in common is that they all offer advice concerning your career, salary and working conditions, as well access to different events to participate in. To best take advantage of these benefits, you should make sure that your trade union knows the conditions in your specific area of expertise. Aside from the professional side of things, trade unions also offer specific membership benefits, such as discounts and rebate agreements.

In this article, we compare the different membership benefits and prices of the biggest Danish trade unions for university graduates, so you can get some insight into which one might be right for you.

Business Danmark

Business Danmark

Business Danmark is the union and unemployment insurance fund (or “A-kasse”) for those specializing in sales and marketing. They offer access to specialized lawyers, assistance with salary negotiations, etc.

Price: Membership for students is free. You can read more about the cost of unemployment insurance fund membership here, but note that the website is in Danish.

Insurance: You can save up to 23.5% on private insurance through Codan private insurance.

Discounts: Immediate access to the discount platform Visma Logbuy, with discounted fuel cards, vacation homes, fitness, hotel stays and clothes, as well as vacation offers.

Read more on discounts and benefits here

Ase fagforening og a-kasse


Ase is an independent unemployment insurance fund and trade union, owned by its own members. Ase is open to tall, whether you’re a regular employee, self-employed or still a student. Among other things, Ase offers affordable insurance to their members.

Price: The first six months of membership is free for student younger than 30 years – after, the price is 74 kr. per month. Theiuur unemployment insurance fund is completely free for student – read more about their unemployment insurance fund here.

Insurance: Ase offers affordable insurance through Tryg insurance.

Discounts: Personal study aid through dedicated tutors.

Read more on discounts and benefits here

Det Faglige Hus

Det Faglige Hus

Det Faglige Hus, and its unemployment insurance fund, is open to all members, regardless of their background. Det Faglige Hus is one of the “yellow” trade unions - it’s apolitical and operates independently of the traditional main organizations. Det Faglige Hus is also proud to be Denmark’s cheapest trade union and unemployment insurance fund.

Price: Union membership is free for students, unless they make more than the maximum amount of unemployment benefits.

Insurance: Through Det Faglige Hus’ own insurance, you’ll get 15% off a home insurance policy, in addition to two other insurances of your choice.

Discounts: Vacation homes, amusement parks, clothes, car rent, phone subscriptions, fuel, etc.

Read more on discounts and benefits here



“Djøf” is short for “Danmarks Jurist- og Økonomiforbund”, which means they represent graduates and students within law and finance, as well as those within the social sciences. With Djøf, in addition to traditional benefits such as counseling, you get access to free workshops and relevant professional arrangements. Below are some of Djøf’s attractive discounts:

Insurance: The first year of a membership is free, after which students will have to pay 49 kr. per month.

Discounts: Saxo Ung, online yoga with Yogavivo, rent on electronic cars through Green Mobiliity, books from Djøf Publishing, DJØF Insurance, etc.

Read more on discounts and benefits here



The Danish Society of Engineers, or IDA, represents university-level graduates within STEM-fields. In addition to the many offers of counseling and relevant professional activities, IDA-membership also gives you access to all of their discounts. Here are a couple of them: 

Price: As a student, your first year of membership is free, after which there is a monthly membership fee of 20 kr. per month.

Discounts: Ridesharing, shopping, phone subscriptions, streaming, traveling, IDA insurance, etc.

Read more on discounts and benefits here

Dansk Journalistforbund

Dansk Journalistforbund

Dansk Journalistforbund (“Danish Society of Journalists”) is primarily for journalists and those with an education within communication. In addition to the many opportunities for counseling that DJ offers, you can also save money through the many different discounts they offer their members. Here are some of them:

Price: Dansk Journalistforbund has a monthly membership fee of 77 kr. for students.

Discounts: Insurance, theater, music, movies, vacation homes, etc.

Read more on discounts and benefits here

Kommunikation og Sprog

Kommunikation & Sprog

KS is a trade union with a focus on those working within fields related to communication and languages. In addition to legal advice, counseling and tips regarding job and career, KS also offers different discounts. Here are the most important ones:

Price: Student get their first year of membership at no charge, after which there is a monthly membership free of 50 kr.

Discounts: Insurance, relevant books, bank, experiences, etc.

Read more on discounts and benefits here


Kristelig Fagbevægelse (KRIFA)

KRIFA doesn’t target specific fields, such as DM, Djøf and IDA, but centers the Christian perspective. If you’re studying higher education (those that give you the right to SU), you can apply for a discounted membership of KRIFA’s unemployment insurance fund. 

Price: As a student, apprentice or trainee, both union and unemployment insurance fund membership is free.

Discounts: Insurance, hotel stays, amusement parks, legal advice, etc.

Read more on discounts and benefits here

Discounts and prices were last updated in 2024, but are still subject to change.